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Embrace The Message Of FOYO !

Believe in yourself and trust in your abilities.

It's time to reveal your true self to the world with authenticity and radiance. It's your time to shine!


The FOYO Logo

FOYO Logo - White 2_clipped_rev_2.png

The silhouette with hands raised represents: 

  • Freedom - breaking the chains that hold you back and doing the things that are right for you.

  • Openness - willing to accept change, face new challenges, share your story and encourage others.

  • Your Divine Design- telling the world "this is me" and I'm fulfilling my destiny.

  • Owning your success - celebrating you and your accomplishments every step of the way.  


Strike The Pose

We want women to embrace the meaning of our logo and strike the pose! The silhouette in our logo reflects the FOYO pose. Stand tall with your hands raised in the air, look to the limitless sky, smile, and say with conviction, "I am victorious." Strike the pose when you get out of bed, meet your goal, need to overcome an obstacle, or just because. Plus, when you stretch long and wide, it relieves tension and anxiety. It’s good for you.



Use the following hashtags at the end of written conversations (texts, emails, Facebook messages, etc.) to keep the FOYO message going:

  • #foyo

  • #focusonyouokay


  • #doitfoyoself


Make A Statement

Let others know you embrace FOYO. Don't just say it but live by this motto daily. Wear and display the FOYO logo. It is a symbol of commitment to yourself and reminder to others that it is okay to focus on you.

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